
Custom Subtitles for Any Format

From 1991, Savinen Centro de Traducciones se ha destacado en el mundo de la subtitulación, offering services in Spanish, Catalan, Valencian, Basque, gallego, English, French, Italian and German. Our journey began with the creation of the first simultaneous in-room subtitling software for film festivals and exhibitions., pioneer in incorporating entry and exit times in subtitled files, precursors to the SRTs we use today.

Nowadays, Our clients send us download links for working copies through platforms like VIMEO, MyAirBridge y Festivalscope. This allows us to create perfect subtitle files in any format required, ya sea MP4, AVI, MOV, DVD, BLURAY y DCP. Our services include:

  • Subtitles for scouts, promotions and presentations
  • Converting formats with complex or simple menus and autostart options
  • Subtitle lists with entry and exit times for any medium, including DCP

We always attach a copy of MP4 video with embedded subtitles. If you need higher quality, you just have to request it.


Subtitles for Film Festivals

at film festivals, our subtitling software ensures perfect synchronization of the subtitles with the film. We offer:

  • Creating subtitled DVDs by inserting the theatrical subtitles into the working DVD
  • Subtitle lists with entry and exit times in SRT or other formats
  • Supervision of details in the room by our control staff

Subtítulos en todos los formatos

Proveemos subtítulos para cualquier formato y necesidad de subtitulación:

  • Subtítulos en todos los formatos actuales, SRT, XML, STL, etc.

Surtitled for Theater and Opera Festivals

The main theater and opera festivals in the country trust our translations and adaptations for live subtitling. Our extensive CV includes a partial list of plays translated and adapted by Savinen Translation Center. The titles available for sale are those translated by us, excluding adaptations or titles protected by other authors.

For more information or questions about availability of texts, please contact us through the contact form.

Savinen Centro de Traducciones: Quality, Accuracy and Experience in Subtitling from 1991.

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